Holistic biological Root canal Alternative
Dentistry with a holistic approach
dentist charlotte, nc

Paul Plascyk, D.D.S.

If a patient does not want a root canal completed on their tooth, we may be able to avoid a root canal with one of the techniques described below. If that is not possible, then the tooth can be  properly removed (click) and an implan(click) or other treatment can be performed to replace the tooth. 

If a patient wants to save the tooth and one of the procedures described below cannot be performed, then a biological root canal (click) can be performed.  

The following are two cases demonstrating my use of ozone (click) to prevent root canals on teeth with advanced decay. Keep in mind that this procedure cannot always prevent the need for a root canal procedure or extraction of the tooth.

 Direct Pulp Cap
(This is not a root canal procedure. This is done to prevent a root canal 
or the removal of a tooth.This is not a procedure that most dentists do.)

Basic Direct Pulp Cap Procedure

After treating the exposed pulp (nerve) with oxygen ozone, a 
biocompatible filling (small white patch) is placed over the exposed 
pulp tissue. The tooth then received a permanent filling (not shown). 

(This is not a root canal procedure. This is done to prevent a root canal 
or the removal of a tooth.This is not a procedure that most dentists do.)

Basic pulpotomy procedure. First the cavity and infected portion of the pulp (nerve) is removed. Then a biocompatible dressing is placed over the remaining nerve and  finally a permanent filling or crown is placed on the tooth.